What We Do

Centro Laboral de Graton (CLG) is a worker-led day labor center that organizes with domestic workers and day laborers in West Sonoma County, CA for the advancement of their rights and dignity as workers, as immigrants, and as members of the broader community. CLG offers a hiring process to employers that is democratic, fair, and transparent. This process has been developed over 15 years of organizing with workers, and seeks to embody and support the vision and mission of CLG.


To promote healthy communities that value inclusion and respect, so that day laborers, domestic workers, and their families, may live and work with justice and dignity


To advance and protect the human, labor and civil rights of day laborers, domestic workers, and their families.

Centro Laboral de Graton is proud to align its organizational practices and promote the shared mission and vision of the Sonoma County Upstream Initiative. Please visit www.SonomaUpstream.org for more information.

We do this by promoting participatory democratic leadership and worker solidarity in order to develop greater opportunities for employment, health, education, and civic participation

  • CLG registers about 500 worker members and almost 2,000 employers each year.
  • 40-60 men and 3-5 women sign-in daily
  • The avg. wage earned is $16 per hr
  • CLG’s general assembly of workers meets weekly to discuss and make decisions re: all aspects of CLG programming
  • We are funded by a combination of private foundation and government grants, employer and community contributions, membership contributions, and through fundraising events.

CLG is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that depends on community support to operate. Please donate today!